With our Super Yacht Interior Training you will learn standards for all levels of Yacht Crew working in the Interior departments of a Super Yacht .
The students attend class and follow a study program led by our experts during the training.
We use the knowledge and abilities we've gained from working in actual settings. Classes are combined with self-study on the platform available at all times. In Barcelona, Tarragona, Mallorca, or any port along the Mediterranean Sea, we offer training.
Flexible 24/7 learning, work on your course anywhere, at anytime, quizzes & assignments for each module.
Tailored training to the owner's preferences. Available at any port of the Mediterranean.
Tailored training adapts to the owner's preferences. Available at city of world wide.
Students attend and follow a study program, quality equipment with practical demonstrations and it's combined with self-study on the platform 24/7.
We carefully follow G.U.E.S.T. Program & IAMI Association standards.
The GUEST Program has been designed to inspire, support and further careers for current and future Stewards and Stewardesses working in the luxury Super Yacht sector. It offers progression learning to fill the gaps in skill sets for all levels in the interior department, including Chief Stews, Senior Stews and entry level Junior Stews.
The International Association of Maritime Institutions (IAMI) sets up the Maritime Hospitality Sub Group following recent the take-over of the GUEST Program from the PYA on the 1st January 2019. note: The training provided by International Luxury Training includes a Diploma Certificate is awarded by, the Guest Program- IAMI is a MCA accepted interior training International Luxury Training is member of PROFESSIONAL YACHTING ASSOCIATION. All courses are certified by IAMI Association & G.U.E.S.T. Program training. We follow the highest standards in the Super Yacht sector, to obtain the diploma attendance 100% to the class zoom session or on class and 100% completion in the online platform system is mandatory. |